

REAL TALK: Pregnancy & the 4th Trimester

Don’t get me wrong, I really did love being pregnant. Okay, maybe love is a strong word–but I did genuinely appreciate the fact that my body was growing a tiny little human. And now that I’m NOT pregnant, I definitely look back on it with a weird fondness, and I think I miss it?  But damn, I really do love sushi and wine. And let’s not forget…

GRACIE’S BIRTH STORY: All the Details You Probably Didn’t Want to Know

Having Gracie was by far the best moment of my life. I can barely think about it because when I do my heart starts to beat faster and I feel like I might spontaneously combust. Talk about a roller coaster of emotions–all ending in a feeling like no other feeling in the world (amiright mamas?!). Normally I would apologize right now for how long and drawn out this post is, but I’m not…

BEHIND THE SOCIAL SCENES: Social Media vs. Real Life

SIGH. This feels weird! I have been wanting to start a blog for about 7 years. But until now, something has always held me back. I never wanted to be ‘that girl’ who thinks she can blog about her life and expect people to actually care. Because in reality, who wants to watch or read a glorified version of someone’s life that is REALLY REALLY annoyingly perfect…but actually incredibly…